I will start writing a series of articles about S.O.L.I.D design
and how to achieve it by using design patterns, I will not only focus on theory
but I will give some examples and code to try to explain the problem that each
principle of SOLID design is trying to solve and how to implement the solution
using design patterns.
I have noticed that the problem with design patterns is not
to understand them but most importantly when and how to use them in order to get a low coupled maintainable
and reusable software. Many programmers (not only juniors) use design patterns
just to use them because of the buzz words around them and because they have
been told that it is a good practice to use them. But like any good practice if
it is misused or/and misunderstood will cause problems instead of resolving them.
In case of misusing design patterns usually we end up with a more complex and
over engineered solution, this conducts us to two other software design
principles that we should be aware of, KISS and YAGNI.
acronym for” You Are Not Gonna Need It”, usually applying the solid design principle
and the use of design patterns means adding levels of abstractions and complex
objects. Using the right pattern for the right job is important, otherwise we
will end up with an over enginnered solution hard to understand and maintain
with more lines of code and of course more bugs.
KISS: “Keep it simple stupid” always simple solutions are
the best one don’t over complicate things by doing too much or an infinite loop
of “what if”.
That is enough for today i will develop more these principles and give some code examples in a later posts where i will show how to apply all these principles within a TDD process.
To be continued .... ;)
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